註:TÜV 奧地利授予公認的「OK compost HOME」標誌。所有 OK compost HOME 認證材料均符合 EN 13432,生物降解性也在 20 – 30 °C 的家庭堆肥條件下進行了測試。至少 90% 的材料必須在 12 個月內降解。材料越厚,分解所需的時間就越長(類似樹幹與樹枝的比較)。Sustainable People 的可生物降解狗糞袋厚度為 18 微米,不到三分之一。這意味著分解時間只需預計時間的一小部分。我們也定期進行測試,在漢堡春季大自然良好的分解條件下,僅 12 週後僅留下部分結!
月亮女提醒您:因狗便含有病原體,並不適合作為家庭堆肥,請遵照廢棄物處理。然而,長遠來看,可生物降解袋有許多環境、原料供應鏈及垃圾處理的長遠優點。有興趣的朋友可點入原廠 FAQ頁面了解,有許多詳實說明:https://thesustainablepeople.com/en/faq-en/
With our biodegradable dog waste bags, we offer you the ideal solution:
– Made of the most modern generation of bioplastics
– OK compost HOME certified (tested at 20 – 30 °C) by TÜV Austria
– Degraded to at least 90 % under home compost conditions within 12 months at the latest
– Under good degradation conditions, almost complete degradation is possible after just 3 months
– Starch blend made from 30 % renewable raw materials (corn starch) and biodegradable copolymer
– Free from plasticizers, polyethylene and genetically modified substances
– Roll core made of cardboard