Perfect Fit 多功能雙扣訓練牽繩


輕量好握,柔軟不割手。雙扣牽繩及多功能用途,適合日常散步,還可配合二點牽繩或 ttouch練習。可和 Perfect Fit 胸背帶搭配成套,顏色超美!

Perfect Fit Harness



PerfectFit—來自英國的專業犬用品牌,以 PerfectFit 胸背帶為核心設計,這條雙扣訓練牽繩可和胸背帶搭配成套。

訓練牽繩兩端都有牽繩勾,搭配 PerfectFit 胸背帶使用時,可同時扣在前後 D 環上,使用「二點牽繩法」。當前方有刺激物或是需要帶開狗狗時,溫柔地引導狗狗轉向。與正向增強訓練一起使用,讓您的小狗更加自信與專注。

另一種用法是:牽繩的一端扣在胸背帶後方 D 環,另一端固定於牽繩上任一D環(調節環)。輕鬆變換四種不同的長度及手把長度,依需求彈性調整。


帶狗狗外出用餐? 只要解開牽繩一端,繞過桌腳,再扣回牽繩上的調節環,就能輕鬆固定狗狗,好好吃飯。


微寬 3 公分設計,握感剛剛好。如果您正在尋找一條兼具功能性與舒適感的多用途牽繩,不妨將它列入您的清單,讓與狗狗的每一次外出更加愉悅自在。

📌 小扣頭|寬約 3 公分|長 2 公尺|重 132 克(適合中小型犬)
📌 大扣頭|寬約 3.5 公分|長 2 公尺|重 190 克(適合中大型犬)

Dog Games 多功能雙扣訓練牽繩Dog Games 多功能雙扣訓練牽繩

Perfect Fit 多功能雙扣訓練牽繩

Perfect Fit 多功能雙扣訓練牽繩

Our multi-functional 2m Training Lead has a clip on both ends, comes in a variety of colours and 2 clip sizes to choose from. Attaching to front and back D-rings of the PerfectFit Harness enables you to gently re-steer your dog from unwanted stimuli when necessary, to be used alongside your positive reinforcement training.

Alternatively, clip to the back D-ring of the harness only. Take the other end of the lead and clip back to any of the 4 rings running along the length of lead, creating your own handle and enabling you to choose 4 different lengths.

Dining out with your dog? Unclip the end of the lead, wrap around your table leg and clip back to any of the 4 rings running along the length of the lead.

Lightweight for your dog’s comfort, made of high-quality fleece and reinforced with webbing, this all-around lead offers optimum comfort when handling.

We recommend a small clip for tiny and small dogs and a large clip for medium and large dogs.



小扣頭, 大扣頭


寶藍, 彩虹, 黑色, 淡紫, 紅色, 土耳其藍, 酒紅, 粉紅, 深紫
