如果您在尋找一件品質好、防水性佳、而且要穿很久的雨衣,我們推薦您 Chilly Dogs!加拿大製造,非MIC。
Chilly Dogs 港口雨衣 Habour Slicker 特色:
- 穿脫迅速,不用拉腳
- 透氣性佳,耐磨耐用
- 前胸防潑水彈性刷毛布,活動自如
- 防水效果極佳
- 保護腹部不被積水泥沙弄髒
- 內層魔鬼氈固定,腰帶為Duraflex® 耐用快扣
- 衣緣 3M Scotchlite® 反光條,保障夜間安全
- 高品質布料,柔軟安靜(摩擦不會發出沙沙聲)
The Harbour Slicker is a protective shell jacket that has been designed to keep dogs clean and dry. It is the perfect coat to wear in all seasons! The Harbour Slicker has a waterproof and windproof exterior while the interior lining is non-insulated and breathable. The high coverage, adjustable Y-shaped chest panel keeps mud & slush off the dog’s belly. It is an ideal lightweight solution for thick-coated breeds during cold, wet months while also helping to reduce wet dog smell. This coat has reflective 3M Scotchlite™ piping to increase safety and visibility on late-night walks.
The Harbour Slicker is designed for all dog types during wet and cool conditions and offers ideal protection for thick-coated breeds in cold weather.